Introducing BoringCrypto!

Boring Crypto
2 min readMay 11, 2021


Today we are launching version 0.1 of Boring Crypto, a reddit/hackernews style, community owned news aggregator for all things crypto. We want to build a place for the crypto community to share and discuss interesting things happening in the crypto world, showcase crypto products, share and discuss crazy crypto ideas (whether half baked or fully thought out), encourage builders, discuss and debate new protocols, learn and share various development frameworks and languages and any thing else we haven’t even considered.

Why is it called Boring Crypto? It’s because there won’t be any discussions about price up/down, trading, shilling tokens, bulls, bears, alpha leaks, moon or lambos, buying and selling crypto. If you are interested only in those discussions this site will be too boring. Those topics are necessary in the crypto ecosystem but there are many sites that cater to those discussions. For everything else, there will be Boring Crypto!

If this is all we wanted to build, we could have simply created a new subreddit. But, we want to do more and solve some of the problems of web2. Here is an incomplete list of problems we want to solve:

  1. Today, moderation is a challenge and a thankless job. Can we add incentives for the community to manage itself for the most part?
  2. The quality of comments degrades as the community grows, how do we solve that?
  3. Can we integrate with DeFi primitives to compensate the moderators?
  4. If you simply let users login through their crypto wallet and allow them to participate pseudonymously, how do they behave? Reddit already has pseudonymous users but what happens when you attach incentives and penalize users financially for misbehaving?
  5. What if we store their reputation on-chain and they can use it in other web3 applications?
  6. What if all the data is stored in a decentralized system and incentivize users to curate it in different ways?

Web3 makes all these possible and we want to experiment and see where we go with this. If this succeeds, we want to offer this entire infrastructure to other communities (both crypto and non crypto).

This is still a very nascent idea and will evolve as we grow the boring crypto community. We will be experimenting with various features and changing the rules as we iterate. But the eventual goal is to follow the web3 ethos and exit to the community so they can nurture and manage the site as a group.

If this experiment excites you and want to get involved, shoot us an email or message on twitter



Boring Crypto

A community managed aggregator to surface interesting protocols, product launches and news in the crypto world. No price discussions allowed!